首页 > 白癜风百科 > 白癜风常识> 英语文献:是的,我得了白癜风。我的的中心是我的家庭。


来源:福州博润白癜风诊疗中心 2021-09-30


热门问题:白癜风是遗传性疾病吗?Is vitiligo genetically transmitted disease?

May 1995 - The first time my grandma discovered pale white patches on my ankles. While my mom tried to discard granny's concerns citing that they maybe due to growth spurt, granny remained adamant that these were something else.


Fast forward 2 weeks, and the pale white patches had grown whiter, and my parents were now concerned. They swiftly found a dermatologist nearby who diagnosed the patches to be Leucoderma, or what we know today as Vitiligo.


I was given a few oral pills and a local gel, that had to be taken/applied and the white patches had to be then exposed to sunlight for a few minutes. Everyday.


1996 - Even after continuing the treatment for over a year, instead of declining, the Vitiligo seemed to be slowly spread towards my knees and elbows. So, we swiftly changed to Homeopathy. And the hack that homeopathy is, it had absolutely zero effect on the skin condition; in fact it seemed to aggravate the condition , and by the end of 1997, Vitiligo had spread to my arms, legs and face.


1998 - We then tried Naturopathy (another hack to be honest) and everything that every Tom, Dick and Harry on the street suggested to my folks, but it wasn't until 1999, that we met with a very well-known dermatologist in Mumbai, who was known to have consulted and treated a number of movie stars, including Madhuri Dixit and Shah Rukh Khan.


It was with this doctor’s treatment that my Vitiligo was brought under controlled for about 4 years, though we had to switch between different medications and treatments during these 4 years. However, after sometime even these medications stopped helping and my Vitiligo was back to its original form.


2003 - For the next 3–4 years, I tried Ayurveda treatments under different doctors, but with almost no affect or help.


2008 - I then switched to Allopathy again. With the rapid advance of my condition, the doctor prescribed steroid and PUVA therapy, which helped control and reduce the spread of Vitiligo to certain extent. However, the steroids had side-effects including weight-gain, swelling in legs and back, reduced immune system. At 26, I felt like a 50 year old.


2010 - Somewhere during this time, I decided to pursue my Masters in Germany. It was during this time that I decided to stop all medications for Vitiligo.


It had been almost 15 years, and with several rounds of medications, so much that sometimes the number of medicines exceeded the amount of food on my plate, instead of any improvement my health had deteriorated.


It has been almost 8 years since then. Today more than half of my body is covered in white patches. However, physically and mentally, I am more stable today than I ever was during the so-called treatment period. The day I stopped considering Vitiligo to be a major part of my life, everything became easier to handle.


My health improved substantially. Relationships that were strong and true, stood the test of time, and grew stronger and healthier. I could concentrate on other aspects of my life, e.g. hobbies, travelling, yoga. I could rebuild a new life from scratch.


So yes, I have Vitiligo.


But, I also have loving and caring parents, an amazing partner, an adorable toddler, a good job, great friends; to sum it up, I lead a happy life.


Vitiligo is indeed a part of my life and it may be so until I die. But Vitiligo is not my centre of universe.


The centre of my universe is my family.



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